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Company News

News and updates about what's going on here at AMS

>Advanced Mailing Solutions today announces the acquisition of a new industrial unit within the company's existing business park, more than doubling the East Kilbride-based firm's storage and production facility to more than 7,500 sq ft.

The company's mailing address and contacts details remain unchanged by this exciting development.

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Advanced Mailing Solutions are pleased to announce the arrival of our first Norpak CF35 polywrapper. The CF35 comes with extended infeed conveyor and surefeed inserters all fitted with mis and double detections to ensure the polywrapped mail pieces are 100% accurate.

This new addition ensures we can continue to offer our clients the most up to date services at a throughput that can accommodate even the largest of Polywrapping requirements.

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Following the successful delivery of an earlier data cleansing project, Advanced Mailing Solutions has successfully secured the contract for the mailing fulfillment of the first edition of "Nature of Scotland".

The overall specification required Advanced Mailing Solutions to provide overprinted 4 colour C4 envelopes inkjetted with contact details and SNH Letterheads. However, the detailed specification contained 4 different mailing segments each requiring different fulfilment and selective insertion.

Furthermore, data had to be filtered and grouped to enable bulk shipments of mail where multiple copies were required for different addresses.

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Earlier this year Advanced Mailing Solutions has been awarded the contract to merge, standardise and de-duplicate Scottish Natural Heritage's contact data in part to ensure the organisation's data is available for a wider audience as part of the Scottish Government's SEARS/SRDP programmes.

The project involved the merging of multiple contact databases each with its own distinct data format and data requirements. This data then had to be standardised to model the organisation's central corporate data structure. Further cleansing was then undertaken to de-duplicate the data to both an organisation and contact level, whilst preserving all data for organisations and contacts that are attached to identified duplicates. Finally, to improve the quality of the remaining data, the data had to be PAF cleansed to ensure each of the addresses were accurate to Royal Mail Standards.

The project was delivered on-schedule and within budget.

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As one of the largest universities in Scotland, Glasgow Caledonian University identified the need to appoint an experienced and proactive partner for the mailing fulfilment of its twice yearly "Caledonian +" Alumni Magazine.

A 3 year contract has been awarded to fulfil the mailing services covering the laser personalisation, Mailsorting and Polywrapping of the Magazine to approx 50,000 UK and Overseas Alumni members twice a year.

The award criteria was based not only on price, but on having a proven track record in producing a quality service of this type for the Higher Education market.

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